Tulsa Lawn Care | your friendly neighborhood Landscape Company


We make life more Tulsa Lawn Care cuz you are a homeowner and we’re exhausted from such a long day at work and you look out at your yard and you think to yourself I need a break from mowing every single week and you are frustrated by how exhausted you are from needing help. we’ve got your back we offer many different services our core aeration and overseeding or snow removal our spring fall irrigation maintenance gutter cleaning Landscaping lawn care and leave removal all these are extremely helpful to ensure that you are set up for success and we look forward to working with you on the

services that help you win at Tulsa Lawn Care our core aeration and overseeding service is phenomenal our technicians have been performing this service for a number of years and the results are undeniable when it comes to making your grass thicker as well as stronger root system this is the way to go aerating allows us to poke holes into your ground which gives oxygen nutrition and water to seep deeper into the root system of your grass which in turn makes your grass more healthy. our overseeding program is also extremely helpful we offer our overseeding of our fescue grass underneath trees to truly make your grass grow in the shade and get you set up for Success later we look forward to working with you and cannot wait to help you out

Our irrigation and maintenance team at Tulsa Lawn Care maintenance says your irrigation system is really important. You want to ensure that your yard can look the best that it can and that it is getting full coverage when it comes to your sprinkler head system. We have technicians come out to check your irrigation lines as well as check your sprinkler heads to ensure that they are working properly. If any of them are busted we are also able to replace them as well as replace the filter inside of a sprinkler head. this will help you get better coverage save water and get you moving forward in the right direction we look forward to working with you and can I wait to help you out

our gutter cleaning service is phenomenal we offer our gutter cleaning to all of our customers when debris gets in your gutters it can really cause your gutters to break and have issues moving forward that is why we take our gutter cleaning service extremely serious and we know that you will need to ensure that your gutters look good over a long period of time that’s why we do our service.

feel free to give us a call to set up an appointment at this number here 918-568-3194 you can also schedule an appointment on our website here as well wdlawns.com we look forward to helping you get set up with our service we have work with many people over the years and look forward to getting you the very best curb appeal for your house ever.

Tulsa Lawn Care | We are the most reviewed

services that you can rely on at Tulsa Lawn Care Mowing your lawn consistently every week is exhausting and takes a lot of energy that you may not have especially if you are working a full-time job and you do not enjoy this Oklahoma Heat rest assured we have got your back we do this for many different customers over a long period of time to give them a break. We highly recommend working with our technicians when it comes to mowing your lawn. They truly specialize in cutting your grass and ensuring that your yard looks the very best that it ever has.

we that make your life better at Tulsa Lawn Care services that truly make your life easier are correlation and overseeding irrigation maintenance spring and fall cleaning snow removable tree and branch removal leaf removal Lawn Care Landscaping better cleaning and many other services are leaf removal service is extremely helpful especially after fall season hardly removal service is helpful cuz we are able to clean up all of your leaves as well as we also haul them off to make your life simple and easy. we have incredible reviews of all of our service that we highly recommend you go and check out on our website

irrigation maintenance of convenience at Tulsa Lawn Care irrigation service is incredible and truly does make your life more convenient. We have technicians who check every spring sprinkler head and ensure that they are probably working to not only save you money on water but also to make sure that your grass is getting proper coverage from your sprinkler heads. we are also able to come out and check every single line to ensure that there is no leakage or anything that would flood your lawn. that is why we are the best of what we do we are extremely thorough and want to ensure that you are set up for Success we look forward to working with you in the near future

our spring and fall cleaning is phenomenal or spring and fall cleaning will truly make your life easier we work extremely hard to clean up your yard and get you set up for an amazing service as well as our core aeration and overseeding or overseeding Services extremely helpful filling in the gaps of your Bermuda grass this is why we work hard at getting you set up moving forward.

feel free to give us a call at this number if you have any questions give us a call here 918-568-3194 feel free to visit us on our website here wdlawns.com our website is a great resource for you to learn more about who we are and what we do go on our about us tab to learn where we come from as a company are morals and our values you can also go on our testimonial page to learn more about who we are and what we do as a company we look forward to working with you and cannot wait to help you out.